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newObjects ActiveX Pack1 family - Detailed Description Page
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Program ID: 3568
Author: newObjects     All programs by this author
Downloads: 148
License: Freeware [?]
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Operating Systems: win9xme winnt4 win2000 winxp winvista winvistax64 winserver
Size: 2590K
Release Status: new
Last Updated: 2006-10-08
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Download newObjects ActiveX Pack1 family

newObjects ActiveX Pack1 family iconAXPack1 family is a huge non-visual ActiveX based run-time freeware library intended for scripting and aby COM enabled applications.

It has wide range of compatibility and offers the same functions on wide range of Windows variants thus providing convenient component library for applications and development tools.

It is free because it is a fundamental run-time library for our development oriented products and is now included by other vendors in theirs. The AXPack1 family aims at providing a common ground for developers working on different levels with different tools for wide variety of tasks thus minimizing the porting efforts and providing the same features for all the Windows based devices.

In contrast to the most ActiveX libraries AXPack1 family's first goal is to be universal. The components are on the level that will ensure that most time consumming operations will be done by the ActiveX code, but leaving you complete freedom to construct with them more specialized libraries and even composite controls (in script) that pack specialized functionality.

The bundle (of over 50 components) includes components for:
1) file/stream access on binary, text, record (flat file) level.
2) Active script hosting and background threads running scripts.
3) System and file information, shell tools
4) Multipurpose dictionary objects (universal collections)
5) Structured data with persistence/exchange mechanisms (can be used instead of XML)
6) Advanced COM tricks - apartments, threads
7) COM components in script creation SDK
8) Binary data manipulation on low level
9) Embedded SQL database engines (SQlite2 and SQLite3 based ActiveX)
10) Cryptography components - MD5, SHA, DES, AES, RSA etc.
11) TCP/IP and IRDA Networking - NetStreams a stream abstraction over network
and many others

Includes Mocro Script Host application - the same for Desktop and Windows CE (all versions).

Keywords: INI, file, stream, storage, binary, record, flat, sql, database, collection, shortcut, COM, thread, ASP, VBScript, JScript, component, library, cryptography

Recent Changes: new components and functions added

Install Support: Install and Uninstall

Supported Languages: English

Additional Requirements: Win95 and later, WinCE 3.0 and later

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