PassMark SoundCheck is a Windows based application that allows users to test their PC sound card, speakers and microphone. Verify that your sound card can record and playback sounds at various audio sample rates. Check the capability of your speakers to reproduce the highest and lowest frequencies (and your capability to hear these frequencies). Create perfectly formed test tones and loop them back into your sound card to look for distortion using PassMark audio loopback cables. SoundCheck also provides an audio FX test and a surround sound test to analyse those advanced sound card features.
Keywords: audio, testing, distortion, loopback, sound card, speakers, microphone
Recent Changes: 24-bit recording/playback support; Spectrum graph now uses a decibel scale for intensity; Trigger functionality added to waveform graph; Text overlay on graph has had a color change to make it easier to read; New option to generate pink noise; Ability to save recordings and tones to wave files.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 32MB Ram, 3MB Disk space