* Completely encrypt the source of HTML pages.
You won't find any words from your content in the protected source.
It protects your JavaScript.
It protects your web design.
It protects the content of your site.
It protects against "form post"-hacking.
It protects against email sniffing.
* Optionally set password on pages.
Access to your pages will be given only to authorized visitors.
* Optionally disable offline browsing.
If someone decides to download your site and spread it offline, this can be stopped.
* Optionally disable showing links.
If your links are valuable, you can prevent them from showing, but still allow them to work.
* Optionally disable text selection.
This protects the content of your site. Nobody will "copy and paste" information from your pages.
* Optionally disable right-click on pages.
This protects against saving images from your pages.
This protects against copying links from your pages.
Keywords: byterun, html, protect, web, page, site, password, right, click, access, copyright
Recent Changes: Minor bugfixes, new interface enchacements.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Microsoft Windows