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Submit your software to Free Best Downloads downloads site

Currently we do accept software submissions only via PAD files.

Submission Terms

Note: Any persisting efforts to deceive or mislead will cause your domain getting blacklisted for all further submissions, along with the complete removal of ALL your previously accepted submissions if any. These include, but not limited to:

  • Submitting identical or substantially similar software products from different URLs/sites, manipulations in program title or company name for getting duplicate listings
  • Efforts to expedite your submission by providing a backlink URL from other's site or from an orphan (not linked from anywhere) page on your site etc.
  • Submitting shareware and other commercialware products as freeware,
  • Attempting to artificially affect downloads count,
  • Fake regular version/release date updates,
  • Submitting reviews for your own software products listings or soliciting others to do so,
  • Selling software products and services available elsewhere for free,
  • Providing incorrect affiliate data or using cheating tricks to prevent affiliate cookies tracking (sumbitting affiliate data for a payment service different from linked on your site and/or within the software product, adding fake affiliate ID to the purchase links on your site etc.). You should understand that participation in affiliate program is OPTIONAL and is intended only to get some advantages for such listings, so if you do NOT want us to be your affiliate, do NOT submit any affiliate data but leave the appropriate fields EMPTY!

General requirements

  • You must be the software author or the person who has been given the right to submit it.
  • Submitted PAD files must be error-free and comply with the official PAD specification. Prior to submitting your PAD file please VALIDATE it against the current specification using online PAD validator and also check all URLs (web site, screenshot, icon, program home page, PAD URL, download URL) to ensure that you have specified them correctly. Please take a time to read about the required fields, common mistakes, and useful tips on About PAD page.
  • Provide a VALID email address without enabled autoresponders in "Contact Email" field so that we could easily contact you to report any issues with your listing! There are other ways to avoid spam rather than total ignorance of all incoming emails or asking for additional efforts from those who have to mail you.
  • Your web site should NOT contain any casino/gambling, adult related or other unwanted materials, ads etc.
  • Both PAD file and program file must be ALWAYS accessible from your server.
  • The download URL should immediately initiate the software download. We generally do not allow links to web pages or information capture forms, redirects to file sharing services (rapidshare, megaupload etc.) or other download archives ( etc.
  • We accept only free products or functional trial versions allowing users to experience the software adequately, NOT just documentation, slide shows, flash tutorials, internet shortcuts etc.
  • The software interface and its documentation must be IN ENGLISH.
  • The software must be free of viruses, trojan horses, bundled adware/spyware and other potentially harmful components.
  • The software must provide users with a clear and simple method for its removal.
  • Publishers must provide a valuable customer service and assist users with any software related issues. We may remove your listing and blacklist your domain if we receive user complaints or if we feel that users are not provided with an adequate level of customer service and support.
  • We reserve the right to reject any submission and remove any software listing from our database for reasons at our own discretion.

The following submission types are NOT accepted:

  • Adult related applications (porn media managers, downloaders etc.),
  • Affiliate/Reseller submissions,
  • Affiliated desktop lookup tools for online shops & auctions (Amazon, eBay etc.),
  • Casino, gambling, trading or betting with real wagering (Online Poker, Forex etc.), lottery number generators, programs intended to assist with any gambling activities.
  • eBooks, tutorials, references, exam tests, certification trainings etc.,
  • Non-Windows software (PDA/Mobile, Mac, UNIX/Linux etc.),
  • Online games (Flash, Java etc.),
  • Online hosted services,
  • P2P File Sharing software,
  • Submissions intended to promote a non-exclusive software site (browser search toolbars & addons, site loaders & gadgets, crap screensavers & tools etc.),
  • Software applications producing false positives to encourage users to purchase them (rogue antivirus, antispyware, registry cleaner tools etc.),
  • Software bundled with third party advertising (Adware) or tracking components (Spyware),
  • Software that requests your email address or other personal information before you can download and/or try it.
  • Software with obvious quality or stability issues (crashing, error screens),
  • Spamming tools (email extractors, anonymous bulk mailers & messagers, forum/guestbook posters, MFA/doorway page generators etc.),
  • Warez, cracks, or any other application types that infringe on any copyrights or international treaties,
  • Web scripts of any kind (PHP, ASP, CGI, JavaScript etc.),
  • We NO LONGER accept new submissions for screensavers and desktop wallpapers!

Processing new submissions

Please note that new submissions are NOT added to the site immediately! When you submit your software, the confirmation request is sent to your contact email address specified in the submitted PAD file. You will have to check your mailbox within 2 days and confirm your submission by clicking on the confirmation link inside, otherwise after 2 days it will be automatically removed from our DB and we will never see it!

After you confirm your submission, it becomes queued for review by Free Best Downloads staff. Currently there are 1475 pending submissions in the queue, so waiting for your submission review may take up to 99 days. If you want us to process your submission faster (usually within 1-2 days), please link to us from your web site and RESUBMIT your PAD file providing the linking page URL(*) in the submission form.

Please do NOT email us the backlink URL! We are UNABLE to expedite your submission unless you submit the backlink URL via the submission form! Only in such case your submission will appear at the top of pending submissions list and we will be able to review it faster!

Submitting affiliate data

Affiliate Program fields(**) are optional. Participating in our Affiliate Program will add some extra benefits for your software listing - please refer to Promote Your Software page for details.

Note: If you use PADGen version 3.01 or higher, it shoud have "Affiliates" extension already embedded so you can just fill the appropriate field(s) and our engine will retrieve the affiliate data from you PAD file automatically.

Currently we are registered as affiliates at the following payment services:

  • RegNow (Our Affiliate ID: 68200; the Product ID example: 1234-1)
  • Share-It (Our Affiliate ID: 77394; the Product ID example: 123456 or 300123456)
  • eSellerate (Our Affiliate ID: AFL1016197930; the Product ID example: SKU123456789000)
  • Plimus (Our Affiliate ID: 78073; please specify the Contract ID instead of Product ID!)

Do NOT resubmit!

Before submitting a product, please check by searching if it is not already listed on Free Best Downloads. If your PAD file is already listed in our DB, please do NOT resubmit it when updating on your server unless you want to add affiliate data for existing listing or expedite your pending submission by adding the backlink URL! Like the avast majority of PAD enabled sites, we DAILY fetch all submitted PAD files from their original URLs and check them for updates! There is only a small fraction of sites requiring manual resubmissions that have a real value, so please do NOT waste your time and money by paying to third party submission services for regular resubmissions! This does not give you any advantages but instead, overbloats our database and requires from us to spend more time on approving new submissions! Therefore we consider all regular resubmissions as SPAMMING and blacklist those domains for all further submissions!

If you want to change PAD filename/location on your server, simply upload your updated PAD file both to new and to old locations having specified the new location in PAD URL field for both - during the next polling round our polling script will read new PAD URL from that field and change it in our DB to use it for future pollings.

PAD File Submission Form
Backlink URL* (optional):
Affiliate Program** (optional):   Product ID:
Submission Terms:
Security Code:Security Code

If you have any questions regarding your software submission and listing issues, please contact us via the contact form. We will try to reply as soon as possible.

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Useful Resources:
ZIP RAR ACE Password Recovery
Asterisks Password Viewer
MD5, SHA-1 File Checksum Tool
Free RAR Password Recovery
Free ZIP Password Recovery
Volume Serial Number Editor
Password Recovery Software

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